Define Functions / Routines
define simple function
f[x_]= a * Sin[x]
This checks value of a each time f is addressed, opposite to
f[x_]:= a * Sin[x]
Advanced function/routine (note % does not work!)
findX[b_] := Module[{f1, f2, start = 2}, f1 = Exp[x] - b; f2 = Sin[x]; Plot[{f1, f2}, {x, 0, 10}]; xSolved = FindRoot[f1 == f2, {x, start}] ]
UnDefine Variable / Function
Numerical Integration: Splitting is extremely important for result and speed
NIntegrate[f[x], {x, -∞, 0, a, ∞}, MaxRecursion -> 20]
File Access
exportDirData = "z:\\mathematica\\export\\"; DeleteDirectory[exportDirData, DeleteContents -> True]; CreateDirectory[exportDirData]; Export [exportDirData <> "1.dat", data, "TSV"]; importDirData = "z:\\mathematica\\import\\"; SetDirectory[importDirData]; files = FileNames[]; For[i=1,i<=Length[files],i++, file = files[[i]]; data = Import[file, "TSV"]; data = Delete[data,1]; (*remove header line*) data = data[[All, {1, 4, 5}]]; (*only columns 1,4 and 5 *) out={}; For[j=1, j<=Length[data], j++, x = data[[j,1]]; y = data[[j,2]]; out = Append[out, {x,y}; ] out=Prepend[out,{"# X ", "Y (S/cm)"}]; ]
p1=Plot[Sin[x],{x,0,10},DisplayFunction->Identity]; p2=Plot[Sin[2x],{x,0,10},DisplayFunction->Identity]; Show[GraphicsArray[{p1,p2}]]; Export[exportDirImg <> filename <> ".pdf", p1, "PDF", ImageSize -> 640, ImageResolution->300, ImageRotated -> False];
Nicer Plots
<< Graphics` SetOptions[Plot, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, FrameLabel -> {None, None, None, None}, RotateLabel -> True , TextStyle -> {FontSize -> 12, FontWeight -> "Bold", FontFamily -> "Arial"} , PlotStyle -> {RGBColor[1,0,0], RGBColor[0,1,0], RGBColor[0,0,1], RGBColor[1,1,0], RGBColor[1,0,1], RGBColor[0,1,1], RGBColor[0,0,0]} , ImageSize -> 320];
similar for LogPlot, ListPlot, LogLinearListPlot, LogLogListPlot