Mac Photos
MacOS Photos App
My Cleanup Workflow
1. Organize all photos into albums
Using Smart Album to find missing:
Album is not Any
Album examples:
- 2024/240615 Some Event
- Documents
- Home
- Kid 1
- Kid 2
- Kids
- Me
- People
- Screenshots
- Sports/Jogging
- Sports/Cycling
2. Add missing locations
Using Smart Album to find missing:
Photo is not tagged with GPS
ways to set locations:
- manual Copy & Paste from other photo in Photo App via Menu -> Image -> Location (works also for multiple photos)
- manual set location text in Photo App via (I) -> Location, via copy paste of common locations from text/Excel file (works also for multiple photos)
- using Python osxphotos, see below
osxphotos add-locations --selected --window 1H --dry-run
3. Add missing faces
Using Smart Album to find missing:
Person is
(with empty input)
Interact with Python
Copy missing locations from neighboring photos
Install osxphotos
python3 -m pip install osxphotos
Update later
python3 -m pip install --upgrade osxphotos
Run in dry-run mode on selected photos
osxphotos add-locations --selected --window 1H --dry-run
Copy locations from GPX file
osxphotos install gpxpy wget
Run in dry-run mode on selected photos
osxphotos run --selected --dry-run myFile.gpx
if time zone info is missing in photo, set UTC offset parameter like --offset +05:45:00
Extract exif data e.g. gps location
osxphotos query --selected --json | jq '.[].exif_info'
via Python and copy location to clipboard
import subprocess import osxphotos def copy_to_clipboard(text) -> None: process = subprocess.Popen(["pbcopy"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) process.communicate(input=text.encode("utf-8")) if __name__ == "__main__": photosdb = osxphotos.PhotosDB() try: while 1: results = photosdb.query(osxphotos.QueryOptions(selected=True)) for photo in results: print(photo.original_filename, s = f"{photo.latitude},{photo.longitude}" # type: ignore print(s) copy_to_clipboard(s) input("Press Enter for next image...") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass