Install on Raspberry Pi in Raspbian
Nice Howto: [1]
wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add - source /etc/os-release test $VERSION_ID = "7" && echo "deb wheezy stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list test $VERSION_ID = "8" && echo "deb jessie stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list test $VERSION_ID = "9" && echo "deb stretch stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list sudo apt-get install influxdb sudo service influxdb restart
in /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
[http] # Determines whether HTTP endpoint is enabled. enabled = true # require login of user auth-enabled = true # prevent logging of each HTTP request to reduce load on ssd log-enabled = false [logging] level = "warn"
in ~/.bashrc
export INFLUX_USERNAME=admin export INFLUX_PASSWORD=password1
Runs per default on port 8086
CLI: command line interface
sudo apt-get install influxdb-client influx -precision rfc3339 # for human readable time format # or influx precision rfc3339
User permissions
user permissions are defined per database, so if you need only one level of permissions, one database might be enough
suggestion: one user per permission
create user uadmin with password 'password1' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES create user uwrite with password 'password2' create user uread with password 'password3' grant read on raspi to uread grant write on raspi to uwrite
Backup and Restore
influxd backup -portable mypath influxd restore -portable mypath
Renaming a Database via creating a copy of its tables
Attention: this will convert tags to fields is group by * missing
CREATE DATABASE mydb2 SELECT * INTO mydb2.autogen.table1 from mydb1.autogen.table1 group by * DROP DATABASE mydb1
General commands
SHOW commands
SHOW DATABASES SHOW MEASUREMENTS SHOW RETENTION POLICIES # display the field types of "table" myMeasurement SHOW FIELD KEYS FROM myMeasurement # show tags SHOW TAG KEYS FROM myMeasurement # for example to be used in Grafana variables of type Query SHOW TAG VALUES FROM myMeasurement WITH KEY =~ // # CQ SHOW CONTINUOUS QUERIES
SELECT statement
precision rfc3339 # for human readable timeformat USE myDB SELECT * FROM myMeasurement WHERE time > now() - 3d SELECT * FROM myMeasurement WHERE myField > 12.2 # cast field into different type into new measurement SELECT watt::float INTO myMeasurement2 FROM myMeasurement1 # copy into new measurement: SELECT watt::float, kWh_total_in::float, kWh_total_out::float INTO tasmota_MT681 FROM tmp # use GROUP BY * to keep field types AND tags SELECT watt_now, watt_last, kWh_total INTO tmp FROM Shelly GROUP BY *
Last value per day
SELECT last("kWh_total_in") as kWh_total_in, last("kWh_total_out") as kWh_total_out FROM "tasmota_MT681" WHERE 1=1 -- AND time > now() -2d AND time < '2024-07-13T00:00:00+02:00' GROUP BY time(1d) fill(previous)
DELETE alternative
DELETE is not supported in Influx V1
# filter data into new tmp measurement and cast to float instead # use GROUP BY * to keep field types and tags SELECT watt::float, kWh_total_in, kWh_total_out INTO tmp FROM tasmota_MT681 WHERE kWh_total_in >0 GROUP BY * # drop original measurement DROP measurement tasmota_MT681 # restore from tmp SELECT watt, kWh_total_in, kWh_total_out INTO tasmota_MT681 FROM tmp GROUP BY * # cleanup DROP MEASUREMENT tmp
Retention Policies
SHOW RETENTION POLICIES # keep data for 10 years instead of 6 days (default) CREATE RETENTION POLICY "years10" ON raspi DURATION 520w REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT DROP RETENTION POLICY "years10" ON raspi # infinite CREATE RETENTION POLICY "inf" ON "raspi" DURATION INF REPLICATION 1 # if switching the default RETENTION POLICY old data will require a specific select # altering the default RP: ALTER RETENTION POLICY autogen ON raspi DURATION 90d SHARD DURATION 1d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT ALTER RETENTION POLICY autogen ON collectd DURATION 7d SHARD DURATION 1d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT
Continuous Query / Auto aggregation
SHOW CONTINUOUS QUERIES CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_mt681_1d" ON "raspi" BEGIN \ INTO "inf"."tasmota_MT681_day_end" \ SELECT last("kWh_total_in") as kWh_total_in, last("kWh_total_out") as kWh_total_out \ FROM "tasmota_MT681" \ GROUP BY time(1d) fill(previous) \ END DROP CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_mt681_1d" ON "raspi"
Connection via CURL
curl -G http://raspi3:8086/query -u uwrite:password2 --data-urlencode "q=SHOW DATABASES"
Insert via REST API and CURL
# precision=s (second) is important for performance, if higher accuracy is needed use ms, not ns which is the default!) VALUE="123.123" curl -i \ -u uwrite:password2 \ -XPOST "http://localhost:8086/write?db=raspi&precision=s" \ --data-binary "myTable,myTag=SourceA myValue=$VALUE"
SELECT into Pandas DataFrame
def read_data() -> pd.DataFrame: """Read data from Influx DB into DataFrame.""" client = connect2_df(credentials_read) query = f'SELECT * FROM "{RETENTION}"."{MEASUREMENT}"' # nosec # noqa: S608 result = client.query(query) df: pd.DataFrame = result[MEASUREMENT] # type: ignore = "time" client.close() return df
INSERT / UPDATE via Pandas DataFrame
def insert(df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """Insert of df into Influx DB.""" client = connect2_df(credentials_write) if len(df) > 0: client.write_points( df, MEASUREMENT, tag_columns=["room"], protocol="line", batch_size=1000, retention_policy=RETENTION, time_precision="s", # ns .. s ) client.close()
INSERT JSON data via InfluxDBClient
see [2]
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient client = InfluxDBClient(host='', port=8086, username='write', password='password2 ') # client.create_database('raspi') print(client.get_list_database()) client.switch_database('raspi') json = [ { "measurement": "brushEvents", "tags": { "user": "Carol", "brushId": "6c89f539-71c6-490d-a28d-6c5d84c0ee2f" }, "time": "2018-03-28T8:01:00Z", "fields": { "duration": 127 } }, { "measurement": "brushEvents", "tags": { "user": "Carol", "brushId": "6c89f539-71c6-490d-a28d-6c5d84c0ee2f" }, "time": "2018-03-29T8:04:00Z", "fields": { "duration": 132 } } ] if client.write_points(json, time_precision="s") != True: print ("ERROR: Write to InfluxDB not successful") else: print ("data sent")