Getting Started
- for Windows: get and install Python from
- for MacOS: follow this guide instead:
brew install xz brew install pyenv pyenv install --list pyenv install 3.12.8 pyenv global 3.12.8 vim ~/.zshrc # add if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then eval "$(pyenv init -)" fi
Editor: Visual Studio Code
excellent and free source-code editor that supports many languages.
- get and install from
See Wickie page Visual_Studio_Code for general setup, extension, config...
Python Extensions
- Python
- Pylance
Black Formatter- Ruff
Settings (CTRL + ,)
- Extensions -> Python -> Formatting: Provider = black
- Text Editor -> Editor: Format On Save
- Text Editor -> Files:Eol -> \n
- Linter: Ruff
Settings in settings.json
"python.analysis.completeFunctionParens": true, "python.analysis.autoImportCompletions": true, "python.analysis.inlayHints.functionReturnTypes": true, "python.analysis.typeCheckingMode": "strict", // Ruff "[python]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "charliermarsh.ruff", "editor.formatOnSave": true, "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll": "explicit", "source.organizeImports.ruff": "explicit" }, },
Run your code
CTRL + F5 : run F5 : run in debugger
Code Formatter Ruff
use software for handling the code formatting like "ruff" or "black", where Ruff is much faster and additionally provides linting.
pip install ruff # or pip install black
than activate in editor like vs code
My Templates
Standard Template
see header documentation example 1 and example 2 see Google Python Styleguide
#!/usr/bin/env python3.12 # by Torben Menke """ Standard template. """ # Built-in/Generic Packages # import os # External Packages # import openpyxl print("Moin Moin")
Object Oriented Template
#!/usr/bin/env python3.12 # by Torben Menke """Object Oriented Template.""" class MyDevice: """ MyDevice class. """ def __init__( self: "MyDevice", devicename: str = "", *, # all following arguments are keyword-only verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """Initialize the device.""" # name of the device (e.g. for log messages) self.devicename = devicename self.verbose = verbose # whether to log information or be quiet def log(self: "MyDevice", msg: str) -> None: """Log a message.""" print(msg) class SMU236(MyDevice): """ Device SMU236. """ def __init__( self: "SMU236", gpibaddress: float, devicename: str = "", *, # all following arguments are keyword-only verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """Initialize the device.""" MyDevice.__init__(self, devicename=devicename, verbose=verbose) self.gpibaddress = gpibaddress if __name__ == "__main__": SMU = SMU236(1234) SMU.log("Starting")
Compile to .exe
pip install pyinstaller pyinstaller --onefile --console # for Excel and Matplotlib these options are required --hidden-import=openpyxl --hidden-import=matplotlib --hidden-import pandas.plotting._matplotlib
(Python - py2exe is deprecated)
Naming Conventions
module_name, package_name, ClassName, method_name, ExceptionName, function_name, GLOBAL_CONSTANT_NAME, global_var_name, instance_var_name, function_parameter_name, local_var_name
Doc Strings
It is best practice to start a file with a docstring:
"""My Script"""
This can be accessed linke this:
title = __doc__[:-1] # type: ignore
Installing packages
python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install somemodule # or pip3 install somemodule # or read from file pip install -r requirements.txt # uninstall pip uninstall somemodule # using a web proxy # set proxy for windows cmd session SET HTTPS_PROXY=http://myProxy:8080 (afterwards --proxy setting below no longer required or pip install --proxy http://myProxy:8080 somemodule # list outdated packages pip list --outdated # update package pip install --upgrade pyinstaller # updating all via Windows Powershell (from [1]) pip freeze | %{$_.split('==')[0]} | %{pip install --upgrade $_} # updating all via Bash (from [2]) pip freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install --upgrade # downgrade pip install --upgrade pandas==1.2.4
generate requirements.txt
pip install pipreqs pipreqs ./
ATTENTION: The loops do not create a new variable scope. Only functions and modules introduce a new scope!
for p in all_files: print(p) for i, p in enumerate(all_files): print(i, p) for i in range(10): print(i) # del i while i <= 100: i += 1 ... if sth1: continue # start next loop if sth2: break # exit loop # inline if (requires a dummy else): print("something") if sth else 0
see Python - Math for linear regression
15 % 4 # > 3
Integer Division
17 // 4 # > 4
import random random.randint(1000000, 9999999)
Basic Objects
del var # delete / undef a variable var = None # sets to null # check if variable is defined if "var" in locals(): pass # for object oriented projects: if "var" in self.__dict__: pass # Access global variables in functions var = 123 def test() -> None: global var # point to global instead of creation of local var var = 321
# num <-> str s = str(i) # int to string f = float(s) # str -> float i = int(s) str(round(f, 1)) # round first # tests s.isdigit() # 0-9 # note isdecimal() does also not match '1.1' # printf: 1 digit s = f"{value:0.1f}" s = "%0.1f" % value
Modify Strings
# get string from prompt s = input("Enter Text: ") s = s.strip() # trim spaces from both sides, rstrip for right only s = s.lower() # lower case s = s.upper() # upper case s = s.title() # upper case for first char of word # upper case first letter of each word and also removes multiple and trailing spaces import string s = string.capwords(s) # replace s.replace(x, y) # trim whitespaces from left and right s.strip() # replace all (multiple) whitespaces by single space ' ' s = " ".join(s.split()) # generate key value pairs from dict # key1=value1&key2=value2 param_str = "&".join("=".join(tup) for tup in dict.items()) # repeat string multiple times s * 5 # = s+s+s+s+s
# find a substring: if x in s: # True / False pass if len(s) > 0: pass # handling substrings a = "abcd" b = a[:1] + "o" + a[2:] # > 'aocd' s = "Hello there !bob@" i1 = s.find("!") + 1 i2 = s.find("@") substr = s[i1:i2] def substr_between(s: str, s1: str, s2: str) -> str: assert s1 in s, f"E: can't find '{s1}' in '{s}'" assert s2 in s, f"E: can't find '{s1}' in '{s}'" i1 = s.find(s1) + len(s1) i2 = s.find(s2) assert i1 < i2, f"E: '{s1}' not before '{s2}' in '{s}'" return s[i1:i2]
Binary, raw strings, html encoding
# Binary Strings sb = b"asdf" # or sb = str.encode("asdf") s = sb.decode("ascii") # decode binary strings sb = s.encode("ascii") # encode string to binary # raw string s = r"c:\Windows" # no escape of \ needed # convert utf-8 to html umlaute s = "Nürnberg".encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace").decode() # -> Nürnberg
Guess encoding via chardet
import chardet # pip install chardet result = chardet.detect(raw_data) if result["encoding"] and result["confidence"] > 0.5: # noqa: PLR2004 encoding = result["encoding"] else: encoding = "utf-8"
there is a much faster alternative cchardet, but that requires Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0
Merge variables in string / sprintf
print("Renner =", i) print("Renner = %3d" % i) # leading 0's print(f"Renner = {i}") # place formatted numbers in a string / sprintf s = "The {:.1f}% {} cost {:05.2f} euros".format( 5.1, "beer", 3.50) print(s) # > The 5.1% beer cost 03.50 euros s = f"The length is {72.8958:.2f} meters" # > The length is 72.90 meters
like @array in Perl
lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] lst = [x / 2 for x in range(10)] lst = [None] * 10 # Initiate list of None elements: len(lst) # length lst2 = lst[0:10] # get elements 0-10 for i in lst: print(i)
clone list
# dangerous: creates a link to the original list list_2 = my_list # M's elements are LINKS to L's # clones can be achieved via: list_2 = my_list.copy list_2 = my_list[:] list_2 = list(my_list)
list modifications
lst.pop() # returns and removes the last item lst.pop(i) # returns and removes the item at position int i lst.insert(i, x) # insert item x at position int i lst.remove(x) # removes the first occurrence of item x lst.append(x) # append a single element lst.extend(m) # append elements of another list lst.reverse() # reverse the order of the list lst = sorted(["B", "a", "c"], key=str.casefold) # case insensitive / ignore case # list to string s = "".join(lst) s = "\n".join(lst) # string to list lst = s.split() # default: split on space lst = s.split(",") # remove empty values from end while L[-1] == "": L.pop() # check and remove items from list # from # iterates in-situ via reversed index for i in range(len(lst) - 1, -1, -1): element = lst[i] if check(element): del lst[i]
check if item is in list
x in lst x not in lst lst.count(x) # how many items x are in the list i = lst.index("word") # find in list / returns the position of the first match in list
pair 2 lists
# zip: merge 2 lists to list of tuples data = list(zip(data_x, data_y, strict=True)) # unzip: split list of pairs into 2 lists data_x, data_y = zip(*data, strict=True) # Cartesian product of lists / tuples import itertools for i in itertools.product(*list_of_lists): print(i)
sort multidim list
lst = sorted(lst, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=False) lst = sorted(lst, key=lambda row: (row["Wann"], row ["Wer"]), reverse=False)
filter list
lines = [x for x in lines if not x.startswith ("word")] lst = ["asdf", "asdf2", "qwertz"] lst = [elem for elem in lst if "asdf" in elem]
for each element
# trim/strip spaces for each element lines = [s.strip() for s in lines] # modify each item in list by adding constant string l = [s + ';' + v for v in l] # modify item in list for idx, line in enumerate(cont): if "K1001/1" in line: line = "K1001/1 Test Nr " + str(i) + "\n" cont[idx] = line break
Ordered sequence, with no ability to replace or delete items
tpl = (1,2,3,4,5,6)
list -> tuple
tpl = tuple(lst)
combine 2 tuples
tpl = tpl1 + tpl2
like %hash in Perl
d = {"key1": "value1", "key2": 123} d["key3"] = (1, 2, 3) del d["key3"] len(d) d.clear() d.copy() d.keys() d.values() d.items() # returns a list of tuples (key, value) d.get(k) # returns value of key k d.get(k, x) # returns value of key k; if k is not in d it returns x count = d.get("key", 0) + 1 # nice for counters d.pop(k) # returns and removes item k d.pop(k, x) # returns and removes item k; if k is not in d it returns x # checks x in d x not in d # dict can have tuple as key tpl = ("key1", "key2", 123) d[tpl] = 123456 # loop over all key-value pairs for key, value in d.items(): print(f"{key} = {value}") # sorted keys: for key in sorted(dict.keys()): pass # sorted values, reversed for key, value in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True): pass # join / merge 2 dicts d.update(d2) # flatten dict of dict flat = d.copy() meta = d.pop("metadata") flat.update(meta)
MultiDim Dictionaries
d = {} d["item1"] = {} d["item1"]["value"] = 1.909e18 d["item1"]["name"] = "Item 1" d["item2"] = {} d["item2"]["value"] = 1.725e18 d["item2"]["name"] = "Item 2" for k in d.keys(): d[k]["value"] = d[k]["value"] * 1.1
Datetime, Date and Time
import datetime as dt from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo TZ_DE = ZoneInfo("Europe/Berlin") TZ_UTC = dt.UTC
# date date =, 12, 31) date =, int(week), int(daynum)) # daynum: 1..7 date ="2020-03-10") date = dt.datetime.strptime(datestr, "%y%m%d").date() date_today = date_yesterday = - dt.timedelta(days=1) days_overdue = (date_completed - date_due).days # to add one month (which is not supported by timedelta) from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta date_end = date_start + relativedelta(months=1) delta_days = 1 + (end - start).days # datetime dt_now = my_dt = dt.datetime(2023, 12, 31, 14, 31, 56, tzinfo=TZ_DE) # 2023-12-31 14:31:56 my_dt = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(my_timestamp, tz=TZ_DE) my_dt = dt.datetime.fromisoformat ("2017-01-01T12:30:59.000000") my_dt = dt.datetime.fromisoformat("2020-03-10 06:01:01+00:00") s = "2020-03-10T06:01:01Z" my_dt = dt.datetime.fromisoformat(s.replace("Z", " +00:00")) my_date_local = my_dt.astimezone(tz=TZ_DE).date() # datetime -> date my_date = # date -> datetime my_date =, 12, 31) my_dt = dt.datetime(my_date.year, my_date.month,, tzinfo=TZ_DE) # to string datestr = my_dt.strftime("%y%m%d") datestr = my_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # alternative using time datastr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # now in UTC without milliseconds datestr = + "Z" # German format import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "de_DE") print(my_date.strftime("%a %x")) # Mo 25.12.2023 # Calendar week week = my_date.isocalendar()[1] print("KW%02d" % week) # first day of quarter def get_first_day_of_the_quarter(my_date: -> return, 1 + 3 * ((my_date.month - 1) // 3), 1)
rounding datetimes to minutes
def floor_dt_minutes(my_dt: dt.datetime, res: int = 5) -> dt.datetime: """Floor (=round down) minutes to X min resolution.""" min_new = res * (my_dt.minute // res) return my_dt.replace(minute=min_new, second=0, microsecond=0) def ceil_dt_minutes(my_dt: dt.datetime, res: int = 5) -> dt.datetime: """Ceil (=round up) minutes to X min resolution.""" min_new = res * (1 + my_dt.minute // res) return my_dt.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + dt.timedelta( minutes=min_new ) def round_dt_minutes(my_dt: dt.datetime, res: int = 5) -> dt.datetime: """Cound minutes to X min resolution.""" min_old_dec = float(my_dt.minute) + float(my_dt.second * 60) min_new = res * round(min_old_dec / res) return my_dt.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + dt.timedelta( minutes=min_new ) my_dt = dt.datetime.fromisoformat("2011-11-04 00:05:23+00:00") print(f"original: {my_dt}") print(f"floored: {floor_dt_minutes(my_dt,5)}") print(f"ceileded: {ceil_dt_minutes(my_dt,5)}") print(f"rounded: {round_dt_minutes(my_dt,5)}")
Timing / Time elapsed
import time timestart = time.time() sec = time.time() - timestart print(f"Time elapsed: {sec:.2f} sec")
OS, Argpars, etc.
from socket import gethostname print(gethostname())
Checking Operating System
import os import sys if == "posix": print("posix/Unix/Linux") elif == "nt": print("windows") else: print("unknown os") sys.exit(1) # throws exception, use quit() to close / die silently
Get filename of python script
my_file_path = __file__
alternative using sys package
from sys import argv myFilename = argv[0]
accessing os envrionment variables
import os print(os.getenv("tmp")) # better: try: s = os.environ[key] # throws error if unset except KeyError: error_message(f"Environment variable {key} not set.")
Command Line Arguments
import argparse parser = ( argparse.ArgumentParser() ) # construct the argument parser and parse the arguments # -h comes automatically # Boolean Parameter parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true" ) # store_true -> Boolean Value # Choice Parameter # restrict to a list of possible values / choices # parser.add_argument("--choice", type=int, choices= [0, 1, 2], help="Test choices") # Positional Parameter (like 123) # parser.add_argument("num", type=int, help="Number of things") # Required Parameter # parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, required=True, help="Path of file") # Optional Parameter parser.add_argument("-n", "--number", type=int, help="Number of clicks") # Optional Parameter with Default parser.add_argument( "-s", "--seconds", type=int, default=sec_default, help="Duration of clicking, default = %i (sec)" % sec_default, ) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) if args["verbose"]: pass # do nothing # print ("verbosity turned on") if args["number"]: print("num=%i" % args["number"])
match case statement
(new in python 3.10)
match args: case {"sap": "prod", "version": 1}: ... case {"sap": "prod", "version": 2}: ... case _: # default case
File Access
for migrating see table [3]
from pathlib import Path p = Path("dir/test.txt") log_file = Path(__file__).with_suffix(".log") # __file__ is name of python script my_fname = # alternative to basename my_ext = p.suffix (filepath_without_ext, file_ext) = (p.stem, p.suffix) my_dir = p.parent my_parent_dir = p.parents[1] p2 = p.with_suffix(".json") p3 = p.parent / ( + "-autofix.tex") # checks Path(my_file_str).exists() Path(my_file_str).is_file() Path(my_file_str).is_dir() # loop over glob of files matching wildcard for file_out in Path("mydir").glob("*-autofix.tex"): # loop over dirs p = Path() # cwd list_of_repos = [x for x in p.iterdir() if x.is_dir() and (x / ".git").is_dir()]
alternative using old os functions
Split path into folder, filename, ext
import os (dirName, fileName) = os.path.split(f) (fileBaseName, fileExtension) = os.path.splitext(fileName) fileOut = os.path.splitext(fileIn)[0] + "-out.txt"
File Manipulations: copy, move, delete, touch
from pathlib import Path # copy from shutil import copyfile copyfile(Path("file-source.txt"), Path("dir") / Path("file-target.txt")) # move / rename Path("file.txt").replace(Path("file2.txt")) # delete Path("file.txt").unlink() # touch Path("file.txt").touch()
File size and timestamp
# size Path("file.txt").stat().st_size # timestamp last modified Path("file.txt").stat().st_mtime
Dir create/mkdir and delete
# create dir from pathlib import Path Path("myDir1/myDir2").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# delete dir import shutil shutil.rmtree(d)
Loop over Directories
Fetch Dir Contents / Loop over Files
glob via pathlib
for fileOut in Path("mydir").glob("*-autofix.tex"):
Get list of files in directory, filter dirs from list, filter by ext
dir= "/path/to/some/dir" listoffiles = [ f for f in os.listdir(dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir ,f)) and f.lower()[-4:] == ".gpx"] listoffiles.sort()
Traverse in Subdirs
# walk into path an fetch all files matching extension jpe?g files = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk("."): dirpath = dirpath.replace("\\", "/") for file in filenames: if file.endswith(".txt"): files.append(dirpath + "/" + file) elif"\.jpe?g$", file, re.IGNORECASE): files.append(dirpath + "/" + file)
File Parsing
File General
File Read
path_file_in = Path("file.txt") # via pathlib cont = path_file_in.read_text(encoding="utf-8") # note: utf-8-sig for UTF-8-BOM # general with"utf-8") as fh: cont = # or lst = fh.readlines() # or line = fh.readline() # or for line in fh: print(line) fh ="utf-8") ... fh.close()
File Write
path_file_out = Path("out/1/out.txt") # write via pathlib path_file_out.write_text("some text") # write general with"w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as fh: # w = overWrite file ; a = append to file # If running Python in Windows, "\n" is automatically replaced by "\r\n". # To prevent this use newline='\n' fh.writelines(lst) # no linebreaks # or fh.write("\n".join(lst)) # or for line in lst: fh.write(line) # Force update of file contents without closing it fh.flush() # alternative fh ="w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") ... fh.close()
CSV Read
import csv from pathlib import Path with Path("data.csv").open(mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as fh: # for Excel use ANSI csv_reader = csv.DictReader(fh, dialect="excel", delimiter="\t") for row in csv_reader: print(f'\t{row["name"]} works in the {row["department"]} department')
CSV Write
import csv from pathlib import Path # simple with Path("data.tsv").open(mode="w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as fh: csvwriter = csv.writer(fh, delimiter="\t") csvwriter.writerow(("Date", "Confirmed")) # dictwriter with Path("data.tsv").open(mode="w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as fh: csvwriter = csv.DictWriter( fh, delimiter="\t", extrasaction="ignore", fieldnames=["date", "occupied_percent", "occupied", "total"], ) csvwriter.writeheader() for d in my_list_of_dicts: d["occupied_percent"] = round(100 * d["occupied"] / d["total"], 1) csvwriter.writerow(d)
import json # from file with"utf-8") as fh: d_json = json.load(fh) # from string d_json = json.loads(response_text)
def json_read(file_path: Path) -> list[dict[str, str]]: """ Read JSON data from file. """ with"utf-8") as fh: json_data = json.load(fh) return json_data
JSON Write
Write dict to file in JSON format, keeping utf-8 encoding
import json with"w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as fh: json.dump(my_dict, fh, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, indent=2)
def json_write(file_path: Path, json_data: list[dict[str, str]]) -> None: """ Write JSON data to file. """ with"w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as fh: json.dump(json_data, fh, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, indent=2)
Excel Read
import openpyxl workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook( pathToMyExcelFile, data_only=True, # read values instead of formulas read_only=True, # suppresses: "UserWarning: wmf image format is not supported so the image is being dropped" ) sheet = workbook["mySheetName"] # or fetch active sheet sheet = cell = sheet["A34"] # or cell = sheet.cell(row=34, column=1) # index start here with 1 print(cell.value) # or print(sheet.cell(column=col, row=row).value)
Excel Write
import openpyxl workbook = openpyxl.Workbook() sheet = cell = sheet["A34"] # or cell = sheet.cell(row=i, column=j) # index starts at 1 cell.value = "asdf""out.xlsx")
Regular Expressions
See [4]
See [5] for an online tester
multiple flags are joined via pipe |
s = re.sub("asdf.*", r"qwertz", s, flags=re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
Lookahead and Lookbehind
pos lookahead: (?=...) neg lookahead: (?!...) pos lookbehind (?<=...) neg lookbehind (?<!...)
import re # V0: simple 1 myPattern = "(/\*\*\* 0097_210000_0192539580000_2898977_0050 \*\*\*/.*?)($|/\*\*\*)" myRegExp = re.compile(myPattern, re.DOTALL) myMatch = assert myMatch != None, f"golden file not found in file {filename}" cont_golden = # V1: simple 2 assert ( re.match("^[a-z]{2}$", d_settings["country"]) != None ), f'Error: county must be 2 digit lower case. We got: {d_settings["country"]}' # V2: find and count was = r"""Part: ([^<+])""" cnt_parts = len(re.findall(was, cont)) cont = re.sub(was, r"\n\nTeil: \1\n\n", cont) assert cnt_parts == 4, f"{cnt_parts} == 4" assert "Part:" not in cont
Match email
def checkValidEMail(email: str) -> bool: # from bottom edit if not re.fullmatch(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$", email): print("Error: invalid email") quit() return True
Find all
myMatches = re.findall('href="([^"]+)"', cont) for myMatch in myMatches: print(myMatch)
import re # simple via search lk_id ='^.*timeseries\-(\d+)\.json$', f).group(1) # simple via sub myPattern = "^.*" + s1 + "(.*)" + s2 + ".*$" out = re.sub(myPattern, r"\1", s) # more robust including an assert def substr_between(s: str, s1: str, s2: str) -> str: """ returns substring of s, found between strings s1 and s2 s1 and s2 can be regular expressions """ myPattern = s1 + '(.*)' + s2 myRegExp = re.compile(myPattern) myMatches = assert myMatches != None, f"E: can't find '{s1}'...'{s2}' in '{s}'" out = return out
matchObj ="(\d+\.\d+)", text if matchObj: price = float( '%s' % (matchObj).group(0) )
Naming of match groups
(?P<name>...), see [6]
Search and Replace
From [7]
re.sub(regex, replacement, str) performs a search-and-replace across subject, replacing all matches of regex in str with replacement. The result is returned by the sub() function. The str string you pass is not modified.
s = re.sub(" +", " ", s)
From [8]
split() splits a string into a list delimited by the passed pattern. The method is invaluable for converting textual data into data structures that can be easily read and modified by Python as demonstrated in the following example that creates a phonebook.
First, here is the input. Normally it may come from a file, here we are using triple-quoted string syntax:
>>> input = """Ross McFluff: 834.345.1254 155 Elm Street ... ... Ronald Heathmore: 892.345.3428 436 Finley Avenue ... Frank Burger: 925.541.7625 662 South Dogwood Way ... ... ... Heather Albrecht: 548.326.4584 919 Park Place"""
The entries are separated by one or more newlines. Now we convert the string into a list with each nonempty line having its own entry:
>>> entries = re.split("\n+", input) >>> entries ['Ross McFluff: 834.345.1254 155 Elm Street', 'Ronald Heathmore: 892.345.3428 436 Finley Avenue', 'Frank Burger: 925.541.7625 662 South Dogwood Way', 'Heather Albrecht: 548.326.4584 919 Park Place']
Finally, split each entry into a list with first name, last name, telephone number, and address. We use the maxsplit parameter of split() because the address has spaces, our splitting pattern, in it:
>>> [re.split(":? ", entry, 3) for entry in entries] [['Ross', 'McFluff', '834.345.1254', '155 Elm Street'], ['Ronald', 'Heathmore', '892.345.3428', '436 Finley Avenue'], ['Frank', 'Burger', '925.541.7625', '662 South Dogwood Way'], ['Heather', 'Albrecht', '548.326.4584', '919 Park Place']]
replace cont by linebreaks
def replace_cont_by_linebreaks(s: str, regex: str) -> str: """ Replace regex in s by the number of linebreaks it originally contained. """ myMatches = re.findall(regex, s, flags=re.DOTALL) for match in myMatches: linebreaks = match.count("\n") s = s.replace(match, "\n" * linebreaks, 1) return s
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter # pip install Pillow fileIn = "2018-02-09 13.56.25.jpg" # Read image img =
PIL drops the IPTC data like tags, keywords, copywrite, ...
better using instead when tags shall be kept
# Resize keeping aspect ration -> img.thumbnail # drops exif data, exif can be added from source file via exif= in save, see below size = 1920, 1920 img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
Export file
fileOut = os.path.splitext(fileIn)[0] + "-edit.jpg" try: img =, format="JPEG", quality='keep') # exif=dict_exif_bytes # JPEG Parameters # * qualitiy : 'keep' or 1 (worst) to 95 (best), default = 75. Values above 95 should be avoided. # * dpi : tuple of integers representing the pixel density, (x,y) except IOError: print("cannot write file '%s'" % fileOut)
Export Progressive / web optimized JPEG
from PIL import ImageFile # for MAXBLOCK for progressive export fileOut = os.path.splitext(fileIn)[0] + "-progressive.jpg" try:, format="JPEG", quality=80, optimize=True, progressive=True) except IOError: ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = img.size[0] * img.size[1], format="JPEG", quality=80, optimize=True, progressive=True)
JPEG Meta Data: EXIF and IPTC
IPTC: Tags/Keywords
from iptcinfo3 import IPTCInfo # this works in pyhton 3! iptc = IPTCInfo(fileIn) if len(iptc['keywords']) > 0: # or supplementalCategories or contacts print('====> Keywords') for key in sorted(iptc['keywords']): s = key.decode('ascii') # decode binary strings print(s)
EXIF via piexif
import piexif # pip install piexif exif_dict = piexif.load(['exif']) print(exif_dict['GPS'][piexif.GPSIFD.GPSAltitude]) # returns list of 2 integers: value and donator -> v / d # (340000, 1000) => 340m # (51, 2) => 25.5m # Modify altitude exif_dict['GPS'][piexif.GPSIFD.GPSAltitude] = (140, 1) # 140m # write to file exif_bytes = piexif.dump(exif_dict) fileOut = os.path.splitext(fileIn)[0] + "-modExif.jpg" try:, format="jpeg", exif=exif_bytes, quality='keep') except IOError: print("cannot write file '%s'" % fileOut)
exif_dict = piexif.load(fileIn) for ifd in ("0th", "Exif", "GPS", "1st"): print("===" + ifd) for tag in exif_dict[ifd]: print(piexif.TAGS[ifd][tag]["name"], "\t", tag, "\t", exif_dict[ifd][tag]) print(exif_dict['0th'][306]) # 306 = DateTime
EXIF via exifread
# Open image file for reading (binary mode) fh = open(fileIn, "rb") # Return Exif tags exif = exifread.process_file(fh) fh.close() # for tag in exif.keys(): # if tag not in ('JPEGThumbnail', 'TIFFThumbnail', 'Filename', 'EXIF MakerNote'): # print("%s\t%s" % (tag, exif[tag])) print(exif["Image DateTime"]) print(exif["GPS GPSLatitude"]) print(exif["GPS GPSLongitude"])
# from def get_exif(filename): image = image.verify() image.close() return image._getexif() def get_labeled_exif(exif): labeled = {} for (key, val) in exif.items(): labeled[TAGS.get(key)] = val return labeled def get_geotagging(exif): if not exif: raise ValueError("No EXIF metadata found") geotagging = {} for (idx, tag) in TAGS.items(): if tag == "GPSInfo": if idx not in exif: raise ValueError("No EXIF geotagging found") for (key, val) in GPSTAGS.items(): if key in exif[idx]: geotagging[val] = exif[idx][key] return geotagging def get_decimal_from_dms(dms, ref): degrees = dms[0][0] / dms[0][1] minutes = dms[1][0] / dms[1][1] / 60.0 seconds = dms[2][0] / dms[2][1] / 3600.0 if ref in ["S", "W"]: degrees = -degrees minutes = -minutes seconds = -seconds return round(degrees + minutes + seconds, 5) def get_coordinates(geotags): lat = get_decimal_from_dms(geotags["GPSLatitude"], geotags["GPSLatitudeRef"]) lon = get_decimal_from_dms(geotags["GPSLongitude"], geotags["GPSLongitudeRef"]) return (lat, lon) exif = get_exif(fileIn) exif_labeled = get_labeled_exif(exif) print(exif_labeled["DateTime"]) geotags = get_geotagging(exif) print(get_coordinates(geotags))
Template Matching / Image Regocnition Using CV2 / OpenCV
see Python - CV2
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
see Python - OCR
Diff of 2 files
import difflib fh1 ="r", encoding="utf-8") fh2 ="r", encoding="utf-8") diff = difflib.ndiff(fh1.readlines(), fh2.readlines()) delta = "".join(line for line in diff if line.startswith(("+ ", "- "))) print(delta)
GPX parsing
import gpxpy import gpxpy.gpx # Elevation data by NASA: see lib at fh_gpx_file = open(gpx_file_path, 'r') gpx = gpxpy.parse(fh_gpx_file) # Loops for accessing the data for track in gpx.tracks: for segment in track.segments: for point in segment.points: for waypoint in gpx.waypoints: for route in gpx.routes: for point in route.points: # interesting properties of point / waypoint objects: point.time point.latitude point.longitude point.source
from typing import Any, Dict, cast creds = cast(dict[str, str], tomllib.load(f)) # type: ignore o = cast(Dict[str, Any], tomllib.load(f)) # type: ignore o["sap"] = cast(Dict[str, str], o["sap"]) o["settings"] = cast(Dict[str, str | int | bool], o["settings"]) o["settings"]["sleep_time"] = cast(int, o["settings"]["sleep_time"])
import tomllib # shows warning: Import "xyz" could not be resolved # fix by import tomllib # pyright: ignore
asserts function argument validation
aus Python Kurs von Carsten Knoll
def eine_funktion(satz, ganzzahl, zahl2, liste): if not type(satz) == str: print "Datentpyfehler: satz" return -1 if not isinstance(ganzzahl, int): print "Datentpyfehler: ganzzahl" return -2 if not isinstance(liste, (tuple, list)): print "Datentpyfehler: liste" return -3 # Kompakteste Variante (empfohlen): assert zahl2 > 0, "Error: zahl2 ist nicht > 0" # Assertation-Error bei Nichterfuellung
def F(x): if not isinstance(x, (float, int)): msg = "Zahl erwartet, %s bekommen" % type(x) raise ValueError(msg) return x**2
def F(x): assert isinstance(x, (float, int)), "Error: x is not of type float or int" return x**2
assert variant in [ "normal", "gray", "cannyedge", ], "Error: variant is not in 'normal', 'gray', 'cannyedge'"
see [9]
Catch keyboard interrupt and do a "save exit"
try: i = 0 while 1: i += 1 print(i) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("stopped")
Catch all exceptions
try: [...] except Exception as e: print("Exception: ", e)
Raising Exceptions
if resp.status_code != 200: # noqa: PLR2004 msg = f"Bad response. status code:{resp.status_code}, text:\n{resp.text}" raise ValueError(msg) from None
Custom Exceptions
try: raise Exception("HiHo")
raise ValueError¶
perl grep and map
from [10]
def grep(list, pattern): expr = re.compile(pattern) return [elem for elem in list if expr.match(elem)] or filteredList = filter(lambda x: x < 7 and x > 2, unfilteredList) def map(list, was, womit): return list(map(lambda i: re.sub(was, womit, i), list)) # was = '.*"(\d+)".*' # womit = r"\1"
unit testing using pytest
install via
pip install pytest
activate in vscode, see [11]: To enable testing, use the Python: Configure Tests command on the Command Palette.
import myLib # my custom lib to test class TestClass: def test_one(self): x = "this" assert "h" in x def test_two(self): assert myLib.multiply(1, 2) == 2 def test_three(self): assert myLib.multiply(2, 2) == 2
project structure
simplest structore: test next to script
Alternative without tests dir:
./ ./ ./
from helper import fnc1
standalone model with src and tests dirs
for this dir structure
src/ tests/ needs
import sys from pathlib import Path sys.path.insert(0, (Path(__file__).parent.parent / "src").as_posix())
standalone model with tests dir
if the test files are placed inside a ./tests/ dir
./ ./ tests/ needs
sys.path.insert(0, Path(__file__).parent.parent.as_posix()) from helper import fnc1
import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("test_input", "expected"), [("", None), ("PT30M", 30), ("PT3H", 3 * 60), ("PT2H30M", 2 * 60 + 30)], ) def test_task_est_to_minutes(test_input: str, expected: int) -> None: assert task_est_to_minutes(test_input) == expected
fixures: prepare and cleanup test_data
to automatically run before and after each testcase
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup_tests(): # noqa: ANN202 cache_prepare_lists() cache_prepare_tasks() yield cache_cleanup_test_data()
Test coverage report
pip install pytest-cov # console output pytest --cov # html report in coverage_report/index.html with details per file pytest --cov --cov-report=html:coverage_report
to exclude a code block from coverage report, add
# pragma: no cover
Sleep / Wait for input
sleep for a while
import time time.sleep(60)
wait for user input
input("press Enter to close")
Suppress Warnings
see [12]
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*native_field_num.*not found in message.*")
V3 simple logging
# main file: import logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s\t%(levelname)s\t%(name)s\t%(message)s", handlers=[ RotatingFileHandler( Path(__file__).with_suffix(".log"), maxBytes=10485760, # 10 MB = 10*1024*1024, backupCount=1, encoding="utf-8", ) ], datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) logger = logging.getLogger(Path(__file__).stem)"Start") # other files: import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
V2: rotating file and STDOUT
# 1. setup import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler logfile = "myApp.log" maxBytes = 20 * 1024 * 1024 backupCount = 5 loglevel_console = logging.INFO loglevel_file = logging.DEBUG # create logger logger = logging.getLogger("root") logger.setLevel(loglevel_file) # console handler ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(loglevel_console) # rotating file handler # fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile) fh = RotatingFileHandler(logfile, maxBytes=maxBytes, backupCount=backupCount) fh.setLevel(loglevel_file) # create formatter and add it to the handlers # %(name)s = LoggerName, %(threadName)s = TreadName formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(threadName)s - %(message)s " ) fh.setFormatter(formatter) ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(ch) logger.addHandler(fh) logger.debug("DebugMe")"Starting") logger.warning("Attention") logger.error("Something went wrong") logger.critical("Something seriously went wrong ") # 2. in other files/modules now use import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"text") ... except Exception as e: logger.exception("Unhandeled exception") quit()
V1: Simple
import logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s\t%(levelname)s\t%(message)s", # \t%(name)s filename=Path(__file__).with_suffix(".log"), # uncomment to switch to stdout filemode="a", ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug("Some text")"Some text") logger.warning("Some text") logger.error("Some text") logger.critical("Some text") try: ... except psycopg2.DatabaseError: logger.exception("Database connection error: %s") raise
Process Bar
see tqdm
from tqdm import tqdm for i in tqdm(range(10000)): ....
CGI Web development
# Print necessary headers. print("Content-Type: text/html") print() # errors and debugging info to browser import cgitb cgitb.enable()
Access URL or Form Parameters
# V2 from import cgi form = cgi.FieldStorage() username = form.getvalue('username') print(username)
# V1 import sys import urllib.parse query = os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING') query = urllib.parse.unquote(query, errors="surrogateescape") d = dict(qc.split("=") for qc in query.split("&")) print(d)
CGI Backend Returning JSONs
#!/usr/local/bin/python3.6 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cgi import json # Print necessary headers. print("Content-type: application/json") print() def get_form_parameter(para: str) -> str: "asserts that a given parameter is set and returns its value" value = form.getvalue(para) assert value, f"Error: parameter {para} missing" assert value != "", f"Error: parameter {para} missing" return value response = {} response['status'] = "ok" try: action = get_form_parameter("action") response['action'] = action if action == "myAction": ... except Exception as e: response['status'] = "error" d = {"type": str(type(e)), "text": str(e)} response["exception"] = d finally: print(json.dumps(response))
Improved helper function
"""Helper functions for DB access.""" import datetime as dt import logging import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extras from creds_db import credentials_DRM_P01 as creds_db # Configure logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) connection: psycopg2.extensions.connection = None # type: ignore cursor_query: psycopg2.extensions.cursor = None # type: ignore cursor_write: psycopg2.extensions.cursor = None # type: ignore def connect() -> ( tuple[ psycopg2.extensions.connection, psycopg2.extensions.cursor, psycopg2.extensions.cursor, ] ): """Connect to the database.""" try: connection = psycopg2.connect(**creds_db) cursor_query = connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) cursor_write = connection.cursor() "Connected to database %s on host %s", creds_db["database"], creds_db["host"], ) except psycopg2.DatabaseError: logger.exception("Database connection error: %s") raise else: return connection, cursor_query, cursor_write def disconnect() -> None: """Disconnect from the database.""" try: if cursor_query: cursor_query.close() if cursor_write: cursor_write.close() if connection: connection.close()"Disconnected from the database") except psycopg2.DatabaseError: logger.exception("Error during disconnection: %s") def exists(url: str, valid_hours: float) -> bool | None: """ Check if a record exists. Returns ------- None for missing record True for valid record False for expired record """ delete_at = + dt.timedelta(hours=valid_hours) sql = """ SELECT delete_at > %s AS "valid" FROM my_table WHERE url = %s LIMIT 1; """ cursor_query.execute(sql, (delete_at, url)) res = cursor_query.fetchone() return res[0] if res else None def query1(url: str) -> dict | None: """Execute a query.""" sql = """ SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE url = %s LIMIT 1 """ cursor_query.execute(sql, (url,)) return cursor_query.fetchone() # type: ignore def insert(url: str, response: str, delete_in_hours: float) -> None: """Insert a record.""" delete_at = + dt.timedelta(hours=delete_in_hours) sql = """ INSERT INTO my_table (url, response, delete_at) VALUES (%s, %s, %s); """ cursor_write.execute(sql, (url, response, delete_at)) connection.commit() def delete(url: str) -> None: """Delete a record.""" sql = """ DELETE FROM my_table WHERE url = %s; """ cursor_write.execute(sql, (url,)) connection.commit() def delete_expired(in_hours: float) -> None: """Delete records that expire in less than in_hours from now.""" delete_at = + dt.timedelta(hours=in_hours) sql = """ DELETE FROM my_table WHERE delete_at < %s; """ cursor_write.execute(sql, (delete_at,)) connection.commit() connection, cursor_query, cursor_write = connect()
import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extras credentials = { "host": "localhost", "port": 5432, "database": "myDB", "user": "myUser", "password": "myPwd", } connection = psycopg2.connect(**credentials) cursor = connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) l_bind_vars = [["A1", "A2"], ["B1", "B2"]] sql = """ SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE 1=1 AND status NOT IN ('CLOSED') AND ColA = %s AND ColB = %s ORDER BY created DESC """ cursor.execute(sql, l_bind_vars) d_data = dict(cursor.fetchone())
export result to csv file
sql1 = "SELECT * FROM table" sql2 = "COPY (" + sql1 + ") TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER '\t'" with open("out.csv", "w") as file: cursor.copy_expert(sql2, file)
ReadConfigFile to connect to PostgreSQL
from [13] database.ini
[postgresql] host=dbhost port=5432 database=dbname user=dbuser password=dbpass
from configparser import ConfigParser def config(filename="database.ini", section="postgresql"): parser = ConfigParser() # get section, default to postgresql db = {} if parser.has_section(section): params = parser.items(section) for param in params: db[param[0]] = param[1] else: raise Exception( "Section {0} not found in the {1} file".format(section, filename) ) return db
import psycopg2 from config import config def connect(): """Connect to the PostgreSQL database server""" conn = None try: params = config() # read connection parameters print("Connecting to the PostgreSQL database...") conn = psycopg2.connect(**params) cur = conn.cursor() # create a cursor print("PostgreSQL database version:") cur.execute("SELECT version()") # execute a statement db_version = cur.fetchone() print(db_version) cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() print("Database connection closed.") if __name__ == "__main__": connect()
SQL Lite / SQLite
see page SQLite
see InfluxDB
Internet Access
Send E-Mails
see Python - eMail
Download data using browser UA / REST
import requests headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0", } resp = requests.get( url, headers=headers, timeout=3, # timeout in sec, requests should always have a timeout! # timeout=(1,3), # 1s connect-timout, 3s read-timeout ) if resp.status_code != 200: # noqa: PLR2004 msg = f"E: bad response. status code:{resp.status_code}, text:\n{resp.text}" raise Exception(msg) # noqa: TRY002
Download only if cache is too old
import time from pathlib import Path import requests def fetch_url_or_cache(file_cache: Path, url) -> str: """Fetch URL and cache in a file.""" if check_cache_file_available_and_recent( file_path=file_cache, max_age=3600, verbose=False ): with"r", encoding="utf-8") as fh: s = else: s = fetch(url=url) with"w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as fh: fh.writelines(s) return s def check_cache_file_available_and_recent( file_path: Path, max_age: int = 3500, ) -> bool: """Check if cache file exists and is recent.""" cache_good = False if file_path.exists() and (time.time() - file_path.stat().st_mtime < max_age): cache_good = True return cache_good # or def check_cache_file_available_and_recent_verbose( file_path: Path, max_age: int = 3600, *, verbose: bool = False ) -> bool: """Check if cache file exists and is recent.""" cache_good = True if not file_path.exists(): if verbose: print(f"No Cache available: {file_path}") cache_good = False if cache_good and time.time() - (time.time() - file_path.stat().st_mtime < max_age): if verbose: print(f"Cache too old: {file_path}") cache_good = False return cache_good def fetch(url) -> str: """Fetch URL.""" headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0", # noqa: E501 } resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=5) if resp.status_code == 200: # noqa: PLR2004 return resp.content.decode("ascii") else: # noqa: RET505 msg = f"E: bad response. status code:{resp.status_code}, text:\n{resp.text}" raise Exception(msg) # noqa: TRY002
Download using urllib.request
from urllib.request import urlopen url = "" with urlopen(url) as response: # noqa: S310 response_text =
HTML parsing and extracting of elements
V2: via BeautifulSoup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # pip install beautifulsoup4 soup = BeautifulSoup(cont, features="html.parser") my_element = soup.find("div", {"class": "user-formatted-inner"}) my_body = my_element.prettify() # my_body = my_element.encode() # my_body = str(my_element)
V1: via lxml and xpath
from lxml import html import requests page = requests.get(url) tree = html.fromstring(page.content) tbody_trs = tree.xpath("//*/tbody/tr") l_rows = [] for tr in tbody_trs: l_columns = [] if len(tr) != 15: continue for td in tr: l_columns.append(td.text_content()) l_rows.append(list(l_columns))
HTML entities to unicode
import html cont = html.unescape(cont)
GUI Interactions
Take Screenshot
import pyautogui # (c:\Python\Scripts\)pip install pyautogui # pyautogui does only support screenshots on monitor #1 ... screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot() # screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot(region=(screenshotX,screenshotY, screenshotW, screenshotH)) screenshot = np.array(screenshot) # Convert RGB to BGR screenshot = screenshot[:, :, ::-1].copy()
Mouse Actions
def clickIt(x,y,key="") : x0, y0 = pyautogui.position() if key != "": # crtl, shift pyautogui.keyDown(key) pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration=0.2) , y=y, button='left', clicks=1, interval=0.1) if key != "": # crtl, shift pyautogui.keyUp(key) pyautogui.moveTo(x0, y0)
Web Automation
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys # from selenium.webdriver import Firefox from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options import os import time import glob class StravaUserMapDL(): def __init__(self): self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() def login(self): driver = self.driver url = "" email = "myemail" password = "mypassword" driver.get(url) title = driver.title urlIs = driver.current_url cont = driver.page_source # as string FILE = open(filename,"w") # w = overWrite file ; a = append to file FILE.write(cont) FILE.close() # handle login if urlIs != url if (urlIs != url): # activate checkbox 'remember_me' elem = driver.find_element_by_id('remember_me') if (elem.is_selected() == False): assert elem.is_selected() == True elem = driver.find_element_by_id('email') elem.send_keys(email) elem = driver.find_element_by_id('password') elem.send_keys(password) elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) # Wait until login pages is replaced by real page urlIs = driver.current_url while (urlIs != url): time.sleep(1) urlIs = driver.current_url print (urlIs) # results = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('following') # results = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('li') # print(results[0].text) assert (urlIs == url)
Unit Tests using Web Automation
import unittest from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys #from selenium.webdriver import Firefox from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options import os import time class PythonOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase): # def __init__(self,asdf): # self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() def setUp(self): print ("setUp") # headless mode: # opts = Options() # opts.set_headless() # assert opts.headless # Operating in headless mode # self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=opts) self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() def test_search_in_python_org(self): driver = self.driver driver.get("") self.assertIn("Python", driver.title) elem = driver.find_element_by_name("q") elem.send_keys("pycon") elem.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) assert "No results found." not in driver.page_source print ("fertig: python_org") def tearDown(self): print ("tearDown") print ("close Firefox") self.driver.close() # close tab self.driver.quit() # quit browser # os._exit(1) # exit unittest without Exception if __name__ == "__main__": try: unittest.main() except SystemExit as e: os._exit(1)
Cryptography and Hashing
Hashing via SHA256
def gen_SHA256_string(s: str) -> str: m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(s.encode("ascii")) return m.hexdigest()
Hashing via MD5
(MD5 is not secure, better use SHA256)
def gen_MD5_string(s: str) -> str: m = hashlib.md5() m.update(s.encode("ascii")) return m.hexdigest()
Password hashing via bcrypt
import bcrypt pwd = 'geheim' pwd = pwd.encode("utf-8") # or pwd = b'geheim' hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(pwd, bcrypt.gensalt()) if bcrypt.checkpw(pwd, hashed): print("It Matches!") print(hashed.decode("utf-8"))
To use version 2a instead of 2b (default):
Multiprocessing, subprocesses and Threading
see Python_-_Multithreading as well
use processes for CPU limited work
use threads for I/O limited work
Simple single process
import subprocess process =["sudo", "du", "--max-depth=1", mydir], capture_output=True, text=True) print (process.stdout)
old, depricated way:
os.system( "gnuplot " + gpfile)
see Python - Multithreading as well
V2 using pool and starmap
import multiprocessing import os def worker(i: int, s: str) -> list: result = (i, s, os.getpid()) return result if __name__ == "__main__": # gen. pile of work l_pile_of_work = [] for i in range(1_000): tup = (i, "n" + str(i)) l_pile_of_work.append((tup)) # gen pool of processes num_processes = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), len(l_pile_of_work)) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_processes) # start processes on pile of work l_results_unsorted = pool.starmap( func=worker, iterable=l_pile_of_work # each item is a list of 2 parameters ) # or if only one parameter: # l_results_unsorted =, l_pile_of_work) l_results = sorted(l_results_unsorted) # sort by i
import subprocess l_subprocesses = [] # queue list of subprocesses max_processes = 4 def process_enqueue(new_process_parameters): global l_subprocesses # wait for free slot while len(l_subprocesses) >= max_processes: process_remove_finished_from_queue() time.sleep(0.1) # sleep 0.1s process = subprocess.Popen(new_process_parameters, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) l_subprocesses.append(process) def process_remove_finished_from_queue(): global l_subprocesses i = 0 while i <= len(l_subprocesses) - 1: process = l_subprocesses[i] if process.poll != None: # has already finished process_print_output(process) l_subprocesses.pop(i) else: # still running i += 1 def process_print_output(process): """waits for process to finish and prints process output""" stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if stdout != : print(f'Out: {stdout}') if stderr != : print(f'ERROR: {stderr}') def process_wait_for_all_finished(): global l_subprocesses for process in l_subprocesses: process_print_output(process) l_subprocesses = [] # empty list of done subprocesses process_enqueue(l_parameters1) ... process_enqueue(l_parameters999) process_wait_for_all_finished()
import threading import queue import os import time def worker(q_work: queue.Queue, results: dict): while not q_work.empty(): i, s = q_work.get() time.sleep(.1) result = (i, s, os.getpid()) results[i] = result q_work.task_done() if __name__ == '__main__': d_results = {} # threads can write into dict # gen. pile of work l_pile_of_work = [] for i in range(1_000): tup = (i, "n"+str(i)) l_pile_of_work.append((tup)) # convert list of work to queue q_pile_of_work = queue.Queue( maxsize=len(l_pile_of_work)) # maxsize=0 -> unlimited for params in l_pile_of_work: q_pile_of_work.put(params) # gen threads num_threads = 100 l_threads = [] # List of threads, not used here for i in range(num_threads): t = threading.Thread(name='myThread-'+str(i), target=worker, args=(q_pile_of_work, d_results), daemon=True) l_threads.append(t) t.start() q_pile_of_work.join() # wait for all threas to complete l_results_unsorted = d_results.values() l_results = sorted(l_results_unsorted) # sort by i
asyncio — Asynchronous I/O
import asyncio import time # basics # task = asyncio.create_task(coro()) # Wrap the coro coroutine into a Task and schedule its execution. Return the Task object. # sleep # await asyncio.sleep(1) # Running Tasks Concurrently and gathers the return values in list L # L = await asyncio.gather(coro(x1,y1), coro(x2,y2), coro(x3,y3)) async def say_after(delay, what): # Coroutines declared with the async/await syntax await asyncio.sleep(delay) print(what) async def main(): # The asyncio.create_task() function to run coroutines concurrently as asyncio Tasks. task1 = asyncio.create_task( say_after(1, 'hello')) task2 = asyncio.create_task( say_after(1, 'world')) print(f"started at {time.strftime('%X')}") # Wait until both tasks are completed await task1 await task2 print(f"finished at {time.strftime('%X')}")
see Pandas
see Matplotlib
GUI via tkinter
import tkinter as tk # no need to install via pip class App(tk.Tk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title("robot-CClicker") self.geometry("200x200+0+1080") self.resizable(width=False, height=False) self.l_buttons = [] self.__create_widgets() def __create_widgets(self): self.btn_click500 = tk.Button( master=self, text="500 clicks", width=20, command=lambda: self.clickBigCookie(500), ) self.l_buttons.append(self.btn_click500) for button in self.l_buttons: button.pack(anchor=tk.W) def clickBigCookie(self, num): # TODO: the disabling of the buttons is not working for button in self.l_buttons: button["state"] = tk.DISABLED helper.clickIt(self.posBigCockie[0], self.posBigCockie[1], num=num) for button in self.l_buttons: button["state"] = tk.NORMAL if __name__ == "__main__": app = App() app.mainloop()
convert .proto file to python class
protoc my_message.proto --python_out ./
read/decode protobuf message
parse message from file
import machine_message_pb2 with open("out.bin", "rb") as f: my_message = my_message_pb2.my_message() my_message.ParseFromString( print(machine_message)
create/encode protobuf message
import machine_message_pb2 my_message = my_message_pb2.my_message() = 1 = "asdf" with open("out.bin", "wb") as f: f.write(
venv / virtual environments
pip install --upgrade pip python -m venv .venv --prompt $(basename $(pwd)) source .venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ... deactivate
Pydantic data validation
Function input parameter validation
@validate_arguments def sum(x: int, y: float) -> float: print(x, y) return x + y print(sum(1.1, 1.1)) # -> 2.1
Read config file
minimal example: config.toml
# SAP API endpoint [general] sleep_time = 60 use_proxy = true
try: import tomllib # comes with python3.11 except ModuleNotFoundError: import tomli as tomllib # pip install tomli with open("config.toml", "rb") as f: o = tomllib.load(f) # type: ignore if o["settings"]["use_proxy"]: ...
for validation, see
TOML Write
In for deployments I sometime want to modify a TOML config file for production, based on the dev version.
import tomli_w # pip install tomli-w p_in = Path(__file__).parent.parent / ".streamlit/config.toml" p_out = p_in.parent / "config-prod.toml" with"rb") as fh: o = tomllib.load(fh) o["server"]["fileWatcherType"] = "none" del o["server"]["address"] with"wb") as fh: tomli_w.dump(o, fh)
ConfigParser: INI Config File Reading
better use TOML
[Section1] Cursor = 205E18 Grandma = 18E18 Farm = 11E18 Mine = 514E18 Factory = 155E18
from configparser import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser( interpolation=None ) # interpolation=None -> treats % in values as char % instead of interpreting it"Config.ini", encoding="utf-8") print(config.getint("Section1", "key1")) print(config.getfloat("Section1", "key2")) print(config.get("Section1", "key3")) for sec in config.sections(): d_settings = {} for key in config.options(sec): value = config.get(sec, key) d_settings[key] = value print("%15s : %s" % (key, value))
VCard / vcf
import codecs import vobject # pip install vobject obj = vobject.readComponents(, encoding="utf-8").read()) # type: ignore contacts: list[vobject.base.Component] = list(obj) # type: ignore card = contacts[0] if "bday" not in card.contents: continue # bday: remove 'VALUE': ['DATE'] card.contents["bday"][0].params = {} # type: ignore # remove all fields but "bday", "n" for key in card.contents.copy(): # loop over copy, to allow for deleting keys if key not in ("n", "bday"): del card.contents[key] # recreate fn based on n card.add("fn") n = card.contents["n"][0] fn = f"{n.value.given} {n.value.additional} {}" # type: ignore fn = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", fn) card.fn.value = fn # type: ignore with open("out.vcf", mode="w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as fhOut: fhOut.write(card.serialize())
Sentry Exception monitoring
see Sentry
#!/usr/bin/env python3.12 """Read power data from Tasmota device via MQTT.""" import json from typing import Any import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from mqtt_credentials import hostname, password, port, username from paho.mqtt.reasoncodes import ReasonCode def on_connect( mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, flags: dict[str, int], reason_code: ReasonCode, properties: Any, ) -> None: """Callback when the client connects MQTT broker.""" # noqa: D401 if reason_code == 0: print("Connected to MQTT") # print(f"MQTT protocol version: {mqtt_client._protocol}") # Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and # reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed. mqtt_client.message_callback_add("tele/tasmota_MT681/SENSOR", on_message) mqtt_client.subscribe([("tele/tasmota_MT681/SENSOR", 0)]) else: print(f"Connection to MQTT broker failed. Error: {reason_code}") def on_disconnect( mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, reason_code: ReasonCode, properties: Any, ) -> None: """Callback when the client is disconnected from the MQTT broker.""" # noqa: D401 if reason_code > 0: print(f"Unexpected disconnection. Error: {reason_code}") def on_message( mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage, ) -> None: """Callback when a Tasmota message is received from the MQTT broker.""" # noqa: D401 s = message.payload.decode() data = json.loads(s) # {'Time': '2024-03-16T06:44:08', 'MT681': {'Total_in': 16.4396, 'Power_cur': 80, 'Total_out': 14.6403}} # noqa: E501 total_i = data["MT681"]["Total_in"] total_o = data["MT681"]["Total_out"] print(f"In:\t{total_i}\nOut:\t{total_o}") mqtt_client.disconnect() mqtt_client.loop_stop() try: # Create an MQTT client instance mqtt_client: mqtt.Client = mqtt.Client( mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2, "Python-Client-1" ) # type: ignore mqtt_client.username_pw_set(username, password) mqtt_client.on_connect = on_connect # Connect to the MQTT broker mqtt_client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive=60) # NOT: while True, as that eats the CPU !!! mqtt_client.loop_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("KeyboardInterrupt, disconnecting from MQTT broker.") mqtt_client.disconnect() mqtt_client.loop_stop()
Caching Functions
from functools import lru_cache @lru_cache(maxsize=128) # None equals to @cache declarator def fnc(n:int):
Profiling / Count and Runtime per Function
call_stats = {} def track_function_usage(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Annotation for gathering runtime statistics.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: tuple, **kwargs: dict): # noqa: ANN202 start_time = time.time() result = func(*args, **kwargs) # Call the original function end_time = time.time() call_stats[func.__name__]["calls"] += 1 call_stats[func.__name__]["total_time"] += end_time - start_time return result return wrapper
JWT Token
try: decoded_token = jwt.decode(token, options={"verify_signature": False}) except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError: msg = "Token has expired." logger.exception(msg) except jwt.InvalidTokenError: msg = "Invalid token." logger.exception(msg)
Minimum Example
# src/ from pathlib import Path import streamlit as st from streamlit.logger import get_logger logger = get_logger(Path(__file__).stem)"Start") st.set_page_config(page_title="AppTitle", page_icon=None, layout="wide") st.title("MyPageTitle") st.header("MyHeader") st.subheader("MySubHeader") sel_param = st.selectbox("Parameter", ("count", "sum"))
# .streamlit/config.toml [browser] gatherUsageStats = false [server] port = 8501
# run it streamlit run src/
Reduce Logging for K8s Deployed Docker Containers
# reduce log output for logger_name in [ "streamlit.runtime.caching.cache_utils", "", "streamlit.runtime.runtime", "urllib3.connectionpool", ]: get_logger(logger_name).setLevel(logging.WARNING)
Chart via Altair
Line Chart
chart = st.line_chart(df["value"]) # corresponds to import altair as alt c = ( alt.Chart(df) .mark_line() .encode( x=alt.X("created", title=None), y=alt.Y("value", title=None), ) ) st.altair_chart(c, use_container_width=True)
Bar Chart
chart = ( alt.Chart(df) .mark_bar() .encode( x=alt.X("yearmonth(date):T", title="Month"), y=alt.Y(f"count:Q", title=None), color="status:N", tooltip=["yearmonth(date):T", "status:N", "cnt:Q"], ) # .properties(width=600, height=400) ) st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True)
:T stands for Temporal. It indicates that the field contains date or time values. :N stands for Nominal. It indicates that the field contains categorical data, which represents discrete categories or labels. :Q stands for Quantitative. It indicates that the field contains numerical data that can be measured and compared.
Excel Download
def excel_download_buttons(df: pd.DataFrame, file_name: str = "export.xlsx") -> None: """Show prepare data and download buttons.""" if st.button(label="Click to prepare download"): buffer = io.BytesIO() with pd.ExcelWriter(buffer, engine="xlsxwriter") as writer: df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Sheet1", index=False) writer.close() st.download_button( label="Download data as Excel", data=buffer, file_name=file_name, mime="application/", )